the first african in space
the crew

News: Deflated Mampara
posted on April 22, 2002
fais project

No longer a mampara

It was not long ago that this newspaper's congenitally wicked columnist Hogarth named Mark Shuttleworth Mampara of the Week for spending millions on a space mission.

Since then, Shuttleworth has worked hard to change this image, launching a campaign to use his trip into space to stir greater interest in science and mathematics among South African school kids.

And by branding his mission "First African in Space", he has captured the imagination of many on the continent.

The Hip2B 2 campaign which he has initiated will bring the wonders of space to thousands of children and teachers and will hopefully begin to interest them in mathematics and science, a vital cause as South Africa struggles to build its skills base. In addition, his mission will offer South African scientists a rare opportunity to conduct a series of experiments in space.

When Shuttleworth blasts off on Thursday (the scheduled mission launch date) South Africans rich and poor will have reason to be proud. He has transformed what was seen as an indulgent personal journey into a national asset.

[Source: Sunday Times]

Landing Countdown to 05:51 05 May

Landing Complete!

The Team
Mark Shuttleworth
Dale Cupido
Karen Sharwood
Lara Keytel
Danie Barry
Freddy Khan
Vaughan Oosthuizen
Ravi Naidoo
Vuyo Dwane
Richard Mills
Nicolette Cronje
Wayne Derman
Peter Ribton
latest news
August 29, 2002:News: Hip2B2 Roadshow
July 02, 2002:News: Roadshow entries closed
June 09, 2002:Logs: Ticker-tape parade today
June 04, 2002:News: Eye on science
June 03, 2002:News: Mark and Mbeki get moving
June 03, 2002:News: Back to Earth with a bump
June 02, 2002:Logs: The Afronaut has landed
May 27, 2002:News: Passed away
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